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Showing posts from July, 2012

Interlock Spotlight : Creative Director Omar Cruz

Omar Cruz is Creative Director here at Interlock Media. Himself the product of a lifetime devotion to the arts, Omar is amongst our most visionary and skilled staff members. When he’s not illustrating (see picture below), playing guitar, or working on his own film projects, Omar tackles Interlock’s numerous creative tasks in the other sixty hours a week that he has left.             After getting his start as a CG operator on Puerto Rico’s channel 6 PBS affiliate, Omar went on to work as a cameraman, director, motion graphics specialist and college instructor, before coming to Interlock.             As well as being an extremely well rounded individual and skateboarding veteran, Omar is a recent emigrant of Puerto Rico and a brand new Bostonian. After being in the USA for about a month, he found his way into our world and has been one our MVPs ever since. Artwork by ...

Study Affirms Correlation Between Global Warming and Severe Weather

As pointed out yesterday in the New York Times , a recent study by the US National Climate Data Center (NCDC) indicates that the large number of severe global weather events in 2011 was likely exacerbated by global warming. While individual events can’t be attributed to global warming, the study’s authors explain their findings by comparing the increasing number of severe weather incidents to an increased numbers of home runs hit after a batter has started to use steroids; while there have always been incidents of severe weather (as there have always been home runs), the probability of their occurrence has markedly increased. If increasing pressure in the form of extreme weather is not enough to prompt serious lifestyle changes around the world, social pressure in the form of environmentalist media has never been more important.

236 Years of Inalienable Rights

236 years have passed since the US declared independence from Britain. The Declaration was initiated as a statement of defiance against foreign sovereignty, but it was finalized as a dramatic assertion of human rights, and the world has remembered it that way. Yet some less flattering aspects are worth remembering as well . Of the 56 visionary signatories of the Declaration of Independence, 56 were male, 56 were white, 55 were Protestant, and many owned slaves; they endorsed a banner of change and tolerance while living in the comfortable majority, and they did it in the face of a vastly superior British military. One could easily wonder where they found the courage to defy an empire, when they already lived relatively well as individuals. We can’t do our Declaration of Independence honor by glorifying the imperfect men behind it, who themselves pronounced all men as created equal, nor by glorifying the actual document, which was composed before equality for women, for instance, seeme...