As pointed out yesterday in the New York Times, a recent study by the US National Climate Data Center (NCDC) indicates that the large number of severe global weather events in 2011 was likely exacerbated by global warming.
While individual events can’t be attributed to global warming, the study’s authors explain their findings by comparing the increasing number of severe weather incidents to an increased numbers of home runs hit after a batter has started to use steroids; while there have always been incidents of severe weather (as there have always been home runs), the probability of their occurrence has markedly increased.
If increasing pressure in the form of extreme weather is not enough to prompt serious lifestyle changes around the world, social pressure in the form of environmentalist media has never been more important.
While individual events can’t be attributed to global warming, the study’s authors explain their findings by comparing the increasing number of severe weather incidents to an increased numbers of home runs hit after a batter has started to use steroids; while there have always been incidents of severe weather (as there have always been home runs), the probability of their occurrence has markedly increased.
If increasing pressure in the form of extreme weather is not enough to prompt serious lifestyle changes around the world, social pressure in the form of environmentalist media has never been more important.
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